2021 Heading link

R. Kempaiah, H. Chan, S. Srinivasan, S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, B. Narayanan, and A. Subramanian, “Impact of Stabilizing Cations on Lithium Intercalation in Tunneled Manganese Oxide Cathodes”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, (2021) [weblink]

A. Jaradat, C. Zhang, S. K. Singh, J. Ahmed, A. Ahmadiparidari, L. Majidi, S. Rastegar, Z. Hemmat, S. Wang, A. T. Ngo, L. A. Curtiss, M. Daly, A. Subramanian, and A. Salehi-khojin, “High Performance Air Breathing Flexible Lithium-Air Battery”, Small, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202102072 (2021) [weblink]
2020 Heading link

S. K. Singh and A. Subramanian, “Phase-field Simulations of Electrohydrodynamic Jetting for Printing Nano-to-Microscopic Constructs”, RSC Advances 10, 25022 (2020) [weblink]

S. K. Singh, M. M. Rajib, J. L. Drobitch, J. Atulasimha, S. Bandyopadhyay, and A. Subramanian, “A 3-D NanoMagnetoElectrokinetic Model for Ultra-High Precision Assembly of Ferromagnetic NWs using Magnetic-Field Assisted Dielectrophoresis”, RSC Advances 10, 39763 (2020) [weblink]
2019 Heading link

R. Kempaiah, G. Vasudevamurthy, and A. Subramanian, “Scanning Probe Microscopy based Characterization of Battery Materials, Interfaces, and Processes”, Nano Energy 65, 103925 (2019) [weblink]

M. Maksud, M. Barua, M. R. A. Shikder, B. W. Byles, E. Pomerantseva, and A. Subramanian, “Tunable Nanomechanical Performance Regimes in Ceramic Nanowires”, Nanotechnology, (2019) [weblink]

M. R. A. Shikder, A. Ramasubramanian, M. Maksud, V. Yurkiv, J. Yoo, C. T. Harris, G. Vasudevamurthy, F. Mashayek, and A. Subramanian, “Plastic Recovery and Self-Healing in Longitudinally Twinned SiGe Nanowires,” Nanoscale 11, 8959 (2019) [weblink]

S. K. Singh, N. Aryaan, M.R.A. Shikder, B. W. Byles, E. Pomerantseva, and A. Subramanian, “A 3D nanoelectrokinetic model for predictive assembly of nanowire arrays using floating electrode dielectrophoresis,” Nanotechnology 30, 025301 (2019) [weblink]

M. R. A. Shikder, M. Maksud, G. Vasudevamurthy, B. W. Byles, D. A. Cullen, K. L. More, E. Pomerantseva, and A. Subramanian. “Brittle Fracture to Recoverable Plasticity: Polytypism-dependent Nanomechanics in Todorokite-like Nanobelts” Nanoscale Advances 1, 357 (2019) [weblink]
2016 Heading link
Strain effects on anisotropic magnetoresistance in a nanowire spin valve | J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.

23) Md. I. Hossain, M. Maksud, A. Subramanian, J. Atulasimha, S. Bandyopadhyay, “Strain effects on anisotropic magnetoresistance in a nanowire spin valve”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49, (2016). [weblink]
“Super-giant magnetoresistance in copper nanowires due to magnetic field modulation of potential barrier heights at nanowire-contact interfaces”

Md. I. Hossain, M. Maksud, N. K. R. Palapati, A. Subramanian, J. Atulasimha, S. Bandyopadhyay, “Super-giant magnetoresistance in copper nanowires due to magnetic field modulation of potential barrier heights at nanowire-contact interfaces”, Nanotechnology 27, 30LT02 (2016). [weblink]

B. W. Byles, N. K. R. Palapati, A. Subramanian, E. Pomerantseva, “The role of electronic and ionic conductivities in the rate performance of tunnel structured manganese oxides in Li-ion batteries”, APL Materials 4, 046108 (2016). [weblink]
2015 Heading link

M. Maksud, N. K. R. Palapati, B. Byles, E. Pomerantseva, A. Subramanian, “Dependence of Young’s Modulus on the Sodium Content within the Structural Tunnels of a One-Dimensional, Na-ion Battery Cathode”, Nanoscale 7, 17642 (2015). [weblink]
Young’s Modulus of [111] Germanium Nanowires

M. Maksud, J. Yoo, C. T. Harris, N. K. R. Palapati, A. Subramanian, “Young’s Modulus of [111] Germanium Nanowires”, APL Materials 3, 116101 (2015). [weblink]
Single Nanowire Manipulation within Dielectrophoretic Force Fields in the Sub-Crossover Frequency Regime

N. K. R. Palapati, E. Pomerantseva, A. Subramanian, “Single Nanowire Manipulation within Dielectrophoretic Force Fields in the Sub-Crossover Frequency Regime”, Nanoscale 7, 3109 (2015). [weblink]
Graphitic Bio-carbon from Metal-Catalyzed Hydrothermal Carbonization of Lignin

M. Demir, Z. Kahveci, A. Burak, N. K. R. Palapati, A. Subramanian, H. Cullinan, H. El-kaderi, C. T. Harris, R. B. Gupta, “Graphitic Bio-carbon from Metal-Catalyzed Hydrothermal Carbonization of Lignin”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54, 10731 (2015). [weblink]
2014 Heading link
On-Chip Lithium Cells for Electrical and Structural Characterization of Single Nanowire Electrodes

A. Subramanian, N. S. Hudak, J. Y. Huang, Y. Zhan, J. Lou, J. P. Sullivan, “On-Chip Lithium Cells for Electrical and Structural Characterization of Single Nanowire Electrodes”, Nanotechnology 25, 265402 (2014). [weblink]
Elastic Modulus Measurements on Large Diameter Nanowires using a Nanoassembled Platform

N. K. R. Palapati, A. Muth, Y. Zhu, C. Wang, A. Subramanian, “Elastic Modulus Measurements on Large Diameter Nanowires using a Nanoassembled Platform”, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 5, 021001 (2014). [weblink]
Editorial: Special Section on Spectroscopy, Scattering, and Imaging Techniques for Nanostructured Materials

H.-Y. S. Huang, A. Subramanian, “Editorial: Special Section on Spectroscopy, Scattering, and Imaging Techniques for Nanostructured Materials”, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 5, 020201 (2014). [weblink]
2013 Heading link
Simulation of Rotary Motion Generated by Head-to-Head Carbon Nanotube Shuttles

M. Hamdi, A. Subramanian, L. X. Dong, A. Ferriera, B. J. Nelson, “Simulation of Rotary Motion Generated by Head-to-Head Carbon Nanotube Shuttles”, IEEE / ASME Trans. on Mechatronics 18, 130 (2013). [weblink]
2010 Heading link
In Situ Observation of the Electrochemical Lithiation of a Single SnO2 Nanowire Electrode

J. Y. Huang, L. Zhong, C. M. Wang, J. P. Sullivan, W. Xu, L. Q. Zhang, S. C. Mao, N. S. Hudak, X. H. Liu, A. Subramanian, H. Y. Fan, L. Qi, A. Kushima, J. Li, “In Situ Observation of the Electrochemical Lithiation of a Single SnO2 Nanowire Electrode”, Science 330, 1515 (2010). [weblink]
Supermolecular Switches based on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

A. Subramanian, L. X. Dong, A. Ferreira, B. J. Nelson, “Supermolecular Switches based on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes”, Applied Physics Letters 96, 073116 (2010). [weblink]
Before 2010 Heading link
Electrostatic Actuation and Electromechanical Switching Behavior of One-Dimensional Nanostructures

A. Subramanian, A. R. Alt, L. X. Dong, B. E. Kratochvil, C. R. Bolognesi, B. J. Nelson, “Electrostatic Actuation and Electromechanical Switching Behavior of One-Dimensional Nanostructures”, ACS Nano 3, 2953 (2009). [weblink]
Stability and Analysis of Configuration-Tunable Bi-Directional MWNT Bearings

A. Subramanian, L. X. Dong, B. J. Nelson, “Stability and Analysis of Configuration-Tunable Bi-Directional MWNT Bearings”, Nanotechnology 20, 495704 (2009). [weblink]
Shaping Nanoelectrodes for Ultrahigh Precision Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes

D. Xu, A. Subramanian, L. X. Dong, B. J. Nelson, “Shaping Nanoelectrodes for Ultrahigh Precision Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes”, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology 8, 449 (2009). [weblink]
Engineering Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Inside a Transmission Electron Microscope using Nanorobotic Manipulation

L. X. Dong, K. Shou, D. R. Frutiger, A. Subramanian, L. Zhang, B. J. Nelson, X. Tao, X. Zhang, “Engineering Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Inside a Transmission Electron Microscope using Nanorobotic Manipulation”, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology 7, 508 (2008). [weblink]
Carbon Nanotubes for Nanorobotics

L. X. Dong, A. Subramanian, B. J. Nelson, “Carbon Nanotubes for Nanorobotics”, Nano Today 2, 12 (2007). [weblink]
Batch Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Bearings

A. Subramanian, L. X. Dong, J. Tharian, U. Sennhauser, B. J. Nelson, “Batch Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Bearings”, Nanotechnology 18, 075703 (2007). [weblink]
Local Control of Electric Driven Shell Etching of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

A. Subramanian, T. Choi, L. X. Dong, J. Tharian, U. Sennhauser, D. Poulikakos, B. J. Nelson, “Local Control of Electric Driven Shell Etching of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 89, 133 (2007). [weblink]
Nanotube Encoders

L. X. Dong, A. Subramanian, B. J. Nelson, Y. Sun, “Nanotube Encoders”, Solid State Phenomena 121, 1363 (2007). [weblink]

L. X. Dong, A. Subramanian, D. Hugentobler, B. J. Nelson, Y. Sun, “Nano Encoders based on Vertical Arrays of Individual Carbon Nanotubes”, Advanced Robotics 20, 1281 (2006). [weblink]
Design and Fabrication of a Gold Electroplated Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Hybrid MEMS Relay

S. Guan, K. Vollmers, A. Subramanian, B. J. Nelson, “Design and Fabrication of a Gold Electroplated Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Hybrid MEMS Relay”, Journal of Applied Physics 97, 10R506 (2005). [weblink]